Articles for Healthcare Professionals
“The one intervention above any other that would improve neonatal and maternal outcomes is Zero Separation for the first day of every newborn’s life”. Nils Bergman
i The Neuroscience of Birth – and the Case for Zero Separation
Nils Bergman
Skin to Skin Contact is the number #1 in “Essential in Newborn Care”
The World Health Organization - WHO- Newborns- reducing mortality
Hospital Cost Savings of $313,000 per 1,200 births is shown by research with Skin to Skin Contact
i. Findings on the Decrease and Severity of Neonatal Jaundice and Hypoglycemia with Skin to Skin Contact Dr. Barbara Morrison, PhD, RN, NM, FNP, CKC, IBCLC
Increasing rates of breastfeeding initiatives and skin-to-skin care are temporally associated with decreasing SUID prevalence in the first 6 days after birth in the US and Massachusetts. (J Pediatr 2019; -:1-5).
i. Trends in Breastfeeding Interventions, Skin-to-Skin Care, and Sudden Infant Death in the First 6 Days after Birth Melissa Bartick, MD, MSC, FABM 1 Mary Ellen Boisvert, MSN, CLC, CLE2, *, Barbara L. Philipp, MD, FAAP, FABM3, and Lori Feldman-Winter, MD, MPH, FAAP, FABM4
Decreased risk of mortality in Kangaroo care newborns by 33% and if Kangaroo Care started in the first week of life there was a 51% reduction in mortality”
i. 2016 Meta-analysis) and as confirmed by Cochrane meta-analyses (Conde-Agudelo et,.2014)
ii. OHIO WAR ON INFANT MORTALITY. The Newborn Kangaroo Care Project, Susan K. Ludington, Ph. D, FAAN
iii. According to the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC), infant mortality rates for South Carolina increased in 2018. The new data released shows that S.C's infant mortality rate increased to 7.2 deaths per 1,000 births in 2018 from 6.5 in 2017.Nov 6, 2019Ohio 5 -year Average Infant Mortality Rate by County (2013-2017)
KMC had significant, long-lasting social and behavioral protective effects 20 years after the intervention. Neuroimaging showed larger volume of the left caudate nucleus in KMC group.
i. Twenty-year Follow-up of Kangaroo Mother Care Versus Traditional Care Nathalie Charpak, Rejean Tessier, Juan G. Ruiz, Jose Tiberio Hernandez, Felipe Uriza, Julieta Villegas, Line Nadeau, Catherine Mercier, Francoise Maheu, Jorge Marin, Darwin Cortes, Juan Miguel Gallego and Dario Maldonado Pediatrics January 2017, 139 (1) e20162063; DOI:
ii. 126 N. Charpak, J.G. Ruiz / Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 86 (2017) 125e128
Chart of Benefits for Full Term--Mother /Infant.
Hold as much as possible throughout the postpartum stay for improved interactions, development, and breastfeeding (Kent et al., 2012; Vasquez & Berg, 2012)
i. Comprehensive Review Recommendations for KC the first 3 months Excerpts from Full Term Article Susan M. Ludington-Hoe, R.N., CNM, Ph.D., FAAN Barbara Morrison, R. N., Ph.D., FAAN Gene Cranston Anderson, R.N., Ph.D., FAAN
The effect of KMC on brain maturation in adolescents who were former preterm infants. The results showed that the hemispheric and callosal motor circuits worked better in KMC adolescents [21]. These findings provided new insights into the critical period of exutero preterm brain development and the effect of KMC on brain plasticity.
i. Latin American Clinical Epidemiology Network Series e Paper 9:
The Kangaroo Mother Care Method: from scientific evidence generated in Colombia to worldwide practice Nathalie Charpaka, *, Juan Gabriel Ruiza,b,c a Fundacion Canguro/Kangaroo Foundation, Calle 44 b, #53-50, La Esmeralda, Bogota, Colombia b Department of Epidemiology, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Carrera 7, #40-62, Bogota, Colombia c Department of Biostatistics, Hospital Universitario San Ignacio, Carrera 7, #40-62,
Uninterrupted Skin to Skin Contact Immediately After Birth
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A Proven Tool to Safely Meet the Mandate
Precious Image Creations Second Skin Swaddle
LD and Postpartum
Precious Image Second Skin Swaddle